Business Inovation Council was pleased to carry out a 4-week training internship for 15 Italian students of the StateUpper SecondaryEducation Institute “Francesco Saverio Nitti”
The activities were carried out within the project”International Mobility Experience for Professional Skills” Code – 10.6.6B-FSEPON-CA 2017-98
The internship had the following objectives:
-strengthen the skills, knowledge and abilities of 15 students in relation to the area of tourism marketing, design, definition and promotion of tourism development plans and promotion of the territory with reference also to business management, start-ups and business internationalization;
-develop the linguistic and digital skills of 15 participants, indispensable on the labor market, in a growing context of corporate internationalization and, even more, if referred to tourism companies
The students were followed by a company tutor “facilitator of learning” and accompanied by two teachers of the school with the function of tutor. You can also
The activities were carried out within the framework of the ITALIAN NATIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAM 2014-2020. “For school – Skills and environments for learning” Axis I – Education – European Social Fund (ESF). Specific Ob.10.6. Qualification of the offer of technical and vocational education and training. Action 10.6.6; Sub-action 10.6.6B “School-work alternation paths abroad”. Specific Objective 10.2 Improvement of pupils’ key competences-Action 10.2.5. Authorization MIUR prot. n. AOODGEFID/177 of 10/01/2018. Public notice prot. n. AOODGEFID/3781 of 05/04/2017 “Strengthening of school-work alternation paths”. Project 10.6.6B-FSEPON-CA 2017-98.